Acclaimed celebrity chef, Tom Kerridge, from the two Michelin Star ‘Hand and Flowers’, Marlow, was been announced as a Patron of Scannappeal following a recent occasion where he cooked up the cash at his inaugural event in aid of Scannappeal.
Kerridge delighted 34 guests at a private dinner hosted by Scannappeal Chairman, William Baxter CBE, at the beautiful Stoke Park, to a delicious taste of the classic ‘Hand and Flowers’ menu. The evening raised over £22,000 which will help Scannappeal to fund cutting edge equipment to ensure Buckinghamshire hospitals provide the best possible care to their patients.
This is the first time that Tom Kerridge has taken on a formal position with a charity but when asked why he has become a Patron he said: “Scannappeal are a great charity doing so much in our community. They really are making a big difference to the diagnosis, treatment and care our local hospitals can deliver and I am delighted to be able to help”. He went on to say: “Tonight was a fantastic evening and it was a privilege for me and my team to cook for such grateful guests and support Scannappeal on this very special evening”.
Explaining the importance of the evening, the charity’s Chairman, William Baxter CBE, said, “Tonight was a truly wonderful evening and with thanks to Tom Kerridge we have been able to raise a significant amount of money to benefit the lives of so many people across Buckinghamshire. Our work is totally reliant upon the generosity of our supporters and events such as this are critical in our ability to deliver our various appeals. We’re thrilled to have Tom Kerridge join us as a Patron and we’re looking forward to a long and rewarding partnership with him”.