12th September 2024 | 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Chartridge Lane – Open Garden

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Tickets for this date have sold out, but there is still availability for the second date on Friday 13 September.

From a modest roadside frontage with a Champion Judas Tree (one of the finest specimens seen in this country) the rear gardens are something else. Developed from virtually nothing over a 55 year period by one family, this expansive garden is full of surprises, with colour and interest at all seasons. Points of interest include, shrub and herbaceous borders, a working vegetable garden, plant house, apple orchards under-planted with spring bulbs and wild flowers. There are also dahlia beds, sculpted hedges and topiary, as well as a woodland garden, statuary and sculptures, alpine troughs and plant nursery all situated in two-thirds of an acre.

Tickets: £10 in advance and includes tea, coffee and cake.

Notes:- Limited disabled access. Sorry, no dogs allowed.

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